
hey, I'm korng👋

I'm a 20 year old software developer. I just graduated with a bachelor's degree from Royal University of Phnom Penh in Computer Science.

My University
I'm in university
My code snapshot
Dictionary Competition at My Chinese School in 2015

During my time at university, I worked on a variety of team assignments and personal projects. This helped me develop both my technical skills and teamwork ability.

I'm always learning and updating new technology to expand my knowledge and skills. Here are some of the technologies and frameworks I mostly work with:

In addition to technical skills, I can also communicate in multiple languages such as Khmer which is my native language, English, Chinese, Thai and Lao, which helps me communicate and work effectively in a multicultural environment to get results in better teamwork and collaboration.

I enjoy sharing what I learn through simple posts that I've written on my notes. You'll find updates on technologies I'm exploring and interested in, or how I'm learning and useful tips.

I'm excited to connect with new people and discuss innovative ideas. I am open to new roles and opportunities. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or just want to say hello to me!